In focus: Sustainability & Packaging

Absolent has updated its packaging for the Aline series to focus more on sustainability and efficiency. This change, effective for all orders after March 25, 2024, introduces lighter packaging that aims to reduce the carbon footprint associated with its products.

We Are Part of Absolent Air Care Group

Absolent Air Care Group is a global air cleaning group that provides customized solutions for production processes. The Group’s know-how and solutions enhance quality of life and enable better business performance.

Absolent AB opens a new company in Hong Kong

Absolent Group subsidiary Absolent AB opens a new company in Hong Kong, Absolent Hong Kong Limited, that will serve as a basis for sales in Hong Kong, southern China and
Taiwan. It will also be the center for sales support and business development for the whole APAC region.

Absolent Group opens new company in India

Absolent AB’s parent company, Absolent Group, has registered a new company in India, Absolent Filtermist India Pvt Ltd, that will serve as a basis for sales of all Absolents and Filtermists product lines.

Absolent AB 赢得美国汽车制造商的订单

Absolent AB亚太/中国日前获得一家美国大型汽车制造商的订单,订单价值超过1千万瑞典克郎。

Absolent 牵手汉诺威欧洲机床展

Absolent 将参加德国汉诺威举行的欧洲机床展。展会将在9月18日至23日之间举行,EMO是欧洲最大和最重要的金属加工行业贸易展之一。聚焦于今年的年度主题,EMO代表着与智能生产相关联的各行业、公司和制造过程。


今年春天, Absolent集团的子公司Absolent AB将在法国成立一家销售公司。公司将被命名为Absolent SAS.

Absolent 扩充A.line系列推出新款A.5过滤器

201733Absolent 发布了新款A5过滤器. 是继先前发布的A.10 之后第二款A.line 系列过滤器。与兄长一样, A.5是油雾和油烟组合过滤器,适用于高转速及高冷却压力的小型机床。